Sequel to the indie hit of 2014, Nidhogg 2 builds upon the award-winning gameplay of its predecessor with new weapons to wield and levels to master, head-to-toe character customization, and the captivatingly grotesque art of Toby Dixon.

And, with music from artists including Mux Mool, Geotic, Doseone, Osborne, and Daedelus, Nidhogg 2 has a soundtrack so good that even the menu screens are awesome.

Game Features:
- Challenge the AI or a friend in 1v1 combat.
- Fight for the top seat in 8-player tournaments.
- Master the distinctive traits of four weapons.
- Get stylish with full character customization.
- Ten stages from castles to Nidhogg innards.
- Alter the rules with over 10 different game variables.
- Go online with matchmaking and private games.

Remote Play requires PS Vita system and sufficiently robust Wi-Fi connection.

Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( &

1-2 players
Network Players 2-2 - Full game requires PlayStation®Plus membership to access online multiplayer
750MB minimum save size
Remote Play
Online Play (Optional)

Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.

©2017 Messhof LLC

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