Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Square Enix
K dispozici na
Vyšlo 31/08/2017
  • In-game purchases optional
  • PS4 Version
    DUALSHOCK 4 vibration

Life is Strange: Before the Storm features Chloe Price a 16 year-old rebel who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success. When Rachel’s world is turned upside down by a family secret it takes their new found alliance to give each other the strength to overcome their demons.

• Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
• Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
• ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
• Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
• Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
• Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

In-game purchases optional

1 player
DUALSHOCK®4 Vibration Function
HD Video Output 720p,1080i,1080p

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One-time licence fee to download to multiple PS4 systems. Sign in to PlayStation Network is not required to use this on your primary PS4, but is required for use on other PS4 systems.
See Health Warnings for important health information before using this product.
Library programs ©Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. exclusively licensed to Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Software Usage Terms apply, See for full usage rights.

Life is Strange: Before The Storm © 2017 Square Enix Ltd. All Rights Reserved. LIFE IS STRANGE and LIFE IS STRANGE: BEFORE THE STORM are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Ltd.

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        Square Enix LTD
        Screen Languages:
        Chinese (Traditional), English, French (France), German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Spanish (Mexico)
        To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See for more details.