Samurai Bringer

  • Автономну гру дозволено
  • 1 гравець

~ Regain your divine power and challenge Yamata-no-Orochi
Susanoo, a powerful deity, challenged Yamata-no-Orochi to save Kushinada, who was to be sacrificed to the dragon. However, he was bested by the dragon and his power was taken from him.
Cast down to the land of Nakatsukuni, now he must fight a multitude of samurai and demons summoned from across space and time to regain his lost strength…

~ Mix and match combat techniques to create your own fighting style
Defeat the advancing hordes of samurai and demons to obtain Combat Scrolls.
Techniques such as slice, thrust and jump can be equipped to change the way you attack.
Furthermore, you can create your own loadouts with Combat Techniques to create your very own combat style.
From spinning slashes to fire attacks and even combos to chain your attacks together. Build up your own fighting style for a combat experience unique to you.

~ Defeat over 100 legendary Japanese warriors
Over 100 legendary warriors from Japanese legend and history including Oda Nobunaga, Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura will be summoned to stand against you.
Defeating them will reward you with their weapons and armor imbued with various status boosting effects.
Donning this armor will not only give you an advantage in battle, but also add a little style to your loadout too.

~ Accumulate experience and strength through defeat
Levels are procedurally generated, with enemy placements and type being different every time, which also means different Combat Scrolls for you to collect.
Falling in battle does not mean you lose everything, so keep building up your loadout and fighting style until Susanoo regains his lost strength.
Prepare yourself by creating a versatile loadout to deal with various combat situations and aim to bring down the mighty eight-headed dragon, Yamata-no-Orochi.

Кращі рогалики для
PS4 та PS5

Відкрийте жанр, де кожна смерть – це лише крок на шляху до досягнення мети. Відкрийте для себе кращі рогалики і roguelite-ігри на PlayStation.

Мови відображення:
англійська, китайська (спрощене письмо), китайська (традиційне письмо), японська
Щоб грати в цю гру на PS5, можливо, доведеться оновити системне програмне забезпечення. Хоча ця гра підтримується на PS5, деякі функції, доступні на PS4, можуть бути відсутні. Додаткові відомості див. на сторінці

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