Learn how to control who can communicate with you or see your activity on PlayStation™Network (PSN).
Go to Settings > Account Management > Privacy Settings and enter your password.
Select the feature you would like to change privacy settings for.
Privacy settings are tied to your account. If you change the privacy settings for your account, those changes will be reflected on all devices.
You can limit how visible you are to other users on PlayStation Network using privacy settings. You can customize the following features:
Gaming | Media
Choose who can see your shared media and recent activities.
Friends | Connections
Control who can send you Friend requests, follow your account and see your connections.
Personal Info | Messaging
Choose who can see your real name and communicate with you.
Adult players can choose from four preset profiles.
Children can select a privacy profile when creating an account with their family manager but aren't able to choose from these privacy profiles after creating an account.
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