Call of Duty season updates and news

Discover the latest updates in the world of Call of Duty, including new Seasons, events and more.

Leave no friend behind

Season 3 overview

It's time to rally the squad and leave no friend behind.  Season 3 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Call of Duty: Warzone has landed, bringing with it the return of Rebirth Island, a massive Multiplayer update including seven maps and five modes, and more terrifying Modern Warfare Zombies content in-season.

What's new in Season 3?

New Multiplayer maps

Expect six new maps across Season 3, with four available at launch, two of which are completely new. 6 Star is medium-sized 6v6 map set across the Hadiqa 6 Star resort, which sits atop a Dubai skyscraper. Meanwhile, Emergency is a small-scale map set in an Arizonan medical facility nestled on the summit of a remote mountain range in the midst of a forest fire.


The Modern Warfare Zombies story continues with a massive Zombies update in-season that includes a brand-new Dark Aether Rift and a showdown with the Dark Aether entity face-to-face. You’re not going to want to go it alone.

New weapons

Season 3 features an impressive array of weapons such as the versatile and ultra-compact FJX Horus SMG, and the MORS sniper rifle, a single-load railgun that packs a huge punch.

New Operators

The Doggfather himself returns to the front lines as Snoop Dogg II in Season 3 of Battle Pass, plus the nefarious Vladmir Makarov is back in his Dominus Operator skin.

Unlock both instantly by purchasing the Season 3 Battle Pass. BlackCell owners will also unlock the Snoop Dawg and Makarov - Dominus BlackCell Operator skins.

Latest Call of Duty news